What is power and why is it important?
Power is the rate of effort per unit time, you put in your training. Which is a simple integrated factor to distinguish performance regardless environmental influences such as snow/ski condition, wind friction.
For example, the result of Vasaloppet is different each years. A figure to the right shows the time required to finish Vasaloppet versus power in two different snow conditions. On new snow, a elite skier (who can constantly deliver 250 W) will spend 270 minutes on his journey. In comparison to an amateur (who deliver less than 200 W) on hard snow, it takes also 270 minutes to finish. Obviously, speed cannot be a factor to fairly compare performance.

What data is provided from Skisens Handle
The basic measurements are angle and force. From these two measurements, it can derive tangential force (the force the drive skier forward), ground contact time (express as thrust, or duty cycle), frequency of poling (number of poling per minute). In combination, with the two measurement, we can calculate the total power (Watt)/energy(Calorie) used in the training, or effective power/energy that really moving skier forward, we can calculate the ratio and judge which technique is better or worse.
Each skier has their own style of poling that reflects their technique, training style, strategy, or the environment they are in. To improve technique and plan strategy for your training, skisens has data from elite skier for you as reference.

How to tell the story from Skisens data ?
Here we provide an example to show some detail information from skisens data. The figures below are two training sessions from Dan, he ski at two different speeds (4min/kilometer and 3.15min/kilometer) on the same track close to Vasalopet finish line. In the slower session, he uses average 85W in his training. In between 7 to 5 kilometer before finish line, he ski on side way, in order to maintain the same speed, he raise the power to 160W. On the second sessions with higher speed (3.15min/kilometer), Dan uses average 170W.

Some tips and comparison with top elite
Here is a comparison between former world class skier and a skier who finish Vasaloppet around 5 hours. Their results shows similar level of force, but the world class skier is more determine at plating the pole.

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